The classic shoulder bags has been modernized for today's traveler to make sure the gear you left with is the gear you come back with. Smart security zippers found on the front external pockets and main compartment prevent pick pockets from reaching into your bag when you are distracted. The shoulder strap features a hidden cable running through it eliminates bag slashers from cutting the strap and running off with your bag - plus it can be removed at one end allowing you to anchor it around the leg of a table or chair and lock it back into place to prevent thieves form grabbing your bag and running while trying to eat a meal or snack. The material conceals a wire link system in the front, sides, bottom and pockets which prevents thieves from slashing open your bag and trying to grab whatever they can get their hands on. The main compartment can carry an iPad or similar sized tablet, an RFID blocking pocket to keep your personal information safe, and included keyring with a mini flashlight to help you find items in the dark. Two side pockets can hold a water bottle, small umbrella, or sunglasses.
- Roomy main compartment with pockets for organization
- Zippered organizer with card slots, wall pocket, pen loop and removable LED light
- Locking compartments
- Adjustable cable-reinforced cut-proof shoulder strap
- RFID blocking card and passport slots
- Front zipper pocket
- External zipper pocket
Dimensions: 8.x 10 x 3.5 in | 20.3 x 25.4 x 8.9 cm
Volume: 4.54L